Google's File Report comes in .csv format, and contains information that you will find useful, along with other information that you will not need.
This is a guide to understanding the report and getting the information you need out of the report.
There are three distinct sets of files that you may find interesting - details on each are below.
IMPORTANT: If you copied or downloaded any of the files in this report, but did not delete the original, then you will still see the original files in this list. Please do not confuse these original files with the ones you know you've copied or downloaded.
My Drive
The files in My Drive reflect everything in your My Drive that is owned by your account.
In cases where you had created folders in your My Drive and shared them out to others, and those others saved files into your My Drive folders, you will also see the names of these files and which Google account owns them.
When the Google account is deleted, all files owned by that account are deleted. Any files in the My Drive that are owned by someone else will be returned to that owners's Google account (if that owner is an account, then those files will also be deleted along with that account).
What are Orphans?
At one point in time, you saved a file into someone else's shared folder.
Then, they deleted that folder, and your file became orphaned.
These files are still owned by your account, and since the "someone else" does not have permission to delete files you own, they were returned to your account, unfiled.
Shared With Me
The file list in Shared With Me is valuable in the sense that you have a list of anything that was shared with your @eng account, and the original owner, so you know who to contact if you need the file later.
Any files in the Shared With Me section that are owned by accounts will be deleted during this FINAL DELETION in October 2024.
OWNED By Me in Shared With Me
These are files that your Google account owns, and you put them in someone else's Shared Folder (in their My Drive, NOT in a Shared Drive).
Large Reports (greater than 30MB)
Google Sheets does not work well with large .csv files. In this case, you will DOWNLOAD the .csv report, and then open it in Excel.
Instructions for Requested File
When you request a file list report, a file will be shared with you to your email address. You should receive a link to the file at your email address informing you that a file has been shared with you. The file has various columns and the definitions of the more important columns are as follows:
The first column will indicate where the files are located:
Shared With Me
The second column, Column B, shows who the owner of the file is
The name column, Column D, will provide you with the name of the file
Column G is the owners email address and will provide you with the email address of the owner of the file in that row
Column L is provides you with the path of the file. This path is where you can find the file in your Google Drive for the domain account
Column M is the size of the file in bytes